Cocktail Gueisha Pasion

Cocktail Gueisha Pasion | original cocktail recipes


  • Ice
  • 8 cl. Watermelon juice
  • 6 cl. Apple Juice
  • 4 cl. Polish Vodka
  • Sugar


  • Jigger (optional)
  • Shaker
  • Filter
  • Cocktail glasses




Fill the shaker and the cocktail glass with several ice cubes.



Pour first the polish vodka with the jigger. After pour the watermelon juice and the apple juice. And shake the mix!!!



Finally take out the ice cubes from the cocktail glass, put the sugar on the borders, and pour the mix from the shaker to the cocktail glass

In cocktail market I post my selection of some of the best gueisha pasion cocktail recipes. In this case, gueisha pasion cocktail can be used in many ocasions such as dinners, birthday parties, and many other celebrations. The combination of the fresh ingredients with the alcohol used, makes gueisha pasion cocktail one of our favorite cocktails.
I invite you to elaborate the gueisha pasion cocktail and share your recipes and opinions with cocktail market. I wish you bon appetit with gueisha pasion cocktail.

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